Click on a question below to see the answer
- ▼ May I specify which charity my money goes to within the CCFD agencies?
Yes. Through CCFD, donors can specify exactly where their money is given to, if they choose. Donors can choose simply to give to an agency, or they can go one step further designate their money to go to a charity within that agency (called a “designation”). Review the full list of agencies and designations on the “AGENCIES” menu at ccfd.illinois.edu and then make your selection by going to the “GIVE” menu. If you are completing a paper pledge form, write in the name of the agency and designation.
- ▼ I currently have a CCFD payroll deduction. Am I required to complete a new pledge form (online or paper) this year if I wish my pledge to continue exactly the same?
No. It is not necessary to submit a new pledge if you are continuing to give the same amount to the same designations. Automatic rollover happens in January. Sometimes, designated charities change umbrella agencies or don’t get certified. It’s a good idea to go to the “Search Agencies” page in the ccfd.illinois.edu site and check the agencies to which you’ve donated. This confirms that your charity is still listed. If you wish everything to stay exactly the same, you do not need to do anything.
- ▼ Why doesn’t my charity name show up under my pledge?
Your charity is identified in the CCFD database and a report with your specific charity designation and amount is provided to the umbrella agency to assure your donation reaches your intended non-profit.
- ▼ Which pledge method should a donor choose: online or paper pledge?
Donating via the CCFD website – whether paying via check or payroll deduction– ensures accuracy and efficiency. If you give online and choose the “paper check” option, you will be asked to print a pre-filled form with your name and information, and send it along with your check. Less writing for you and more accurate!
- ▼ Can I give to a charitable organization that is not listed in the Agency Listings?
No. In the past, CCFD has accepted Write-In donations to 501(c)3 organizations not listed under our umbrella federations. The Campus Charitable Fund Drive no longer accepts donations made to other Non-Profit Organizations outside of the campaign. We have upgraded to a new, more complex system and this change will allow us to streamline the process. A full list of almost 700 CCFD-eligible agencies can be found at https://ccfd.illinois.edu/agencies/search_all_agencies/.
We encourage employees to support any organization they so choose. However, if the organization does NOT fall under CCFD’s list of designations, the donation cannot be processed through the campaign and will NOT count toward the CCFD/Unit goal.
- ▼ Can a donation to an agency covered by the CCFD but not given through the CCFD be counted toward my unit’s goal?
Yes, if the donation was made during the campaign and you can provide documentation of the donation (a copy of the canceled check, credit card receipt or a thank you note) we can count it toward your unit’s goal. This also applies to contributions made by retirees. The documentation must include the date of the donation, the amount and 501(c)3 name.
- ▼ Can a University retiree contribute through CCFD?
Yes. Retirees can make a one-time donation to CCFD by check or of stock via a paper pledge form or by visiting www.ccfd.illinois.edu and the “GIVE” page. If you donate via the website, you can create a login or if you have your login information from when you were an employee, you may use that. Please indicate your most recent campus unit so that we can include your donation in the totals for the correct campus unit.
Campus Charitable Fund Drive
501 Swanlund Admin Bldg. MC 304
601 E. John St.
Champaign, IL 61820-5711 - ▼ Can a graduate student contribute through CCFD?
Yes, a graduate student can contribute, same as employees.
- ▼ Are contributions pre-or post-tax?
Contributions are deducted from paychecks after state and income taxes are deducted.
- ▼ Are contributions tax-deductible?
Yes, contributions are tax deductible. Please consult the IRS for specifics on deducting contributions.
- ▼ Will my gift be acknowledged by CCFD?
Those who donate through the website will receive an email confirmation immediately. When paper pledges are processed, donors will receive an email to acknowledge receipt of the donation.
- ▼ Will an agency acknowledge my gift?
Each agency handles recognition in different ways, some will send a thank you note to your home or work, but it varies. Home addresses are not provided to the agency by CCFD; they could obtain that information from your check, if applicable. If you need a receipt for tax purposes, contact the agencies to which you donated directly. CCFD does not provide agencies with any donor addresses. This is to prevent unwanted mail going to your home or office.
- ▼ When will my donation be sent to the agencies I have contributed to?
Monthly disbursements are made to each agency by University Payroll when a donation is made through payroll deduction. When donating by check, it is forwarded to the agency as soon as it is processed by our office.
- ▼ Does the university take a cut of my pledge to pay for overhead or processing?
Never. The University forwards 100% contributions to the agency; no administrative charges are deducted by the university. The money given does not go to the State of Illinois.
- ▼ I see the terms “agency” and “designation.” What do those terms mean?
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign collects donations for 11 umbrella agencies. The 11 agencies are listed at www.ccfd.illinois.edu, under the “AGENCIES” page. Within each of these 11 agencies, there are designated programs (“designations”) that donors can choose to have their donations given to. Once on the “AGENCIES” page, click on an agency’s name to see their designations. Checks are always made out to the umbrella agency even if donors choose a designated program.
- ▼ What happens to a payroll deduction pledge if an employee resigns or retires from the University?
CCFD payroll deductions cease with the donor’s final payroll check. If there is an outstanding pledged amount and the employee would like to complete their pledge prior to leaving the university, CCFD can accept donations by check at any time during the year. Retirees may continue to contribute to CCFD annually by writing a check to the umbrella agency during the CCFD campaign.
- ▼ How do I make changes to my current payroll deduction outside of the fund drive dates?
If you want to increase, decrease, or terminate the amount that is currently coming out of your paycheck, please complete the change request form: Change Request Form
- ▼ How is an organization included in the Campus Charitable Fund Drive?
CCFD is part of the State and University Employees Combined Appeal (SECA). Under the Illinois Voluntary Deductions Act, the Illinois Comptroller is vested with the duty to qualify petitioning organizations under SECA. A petitioning charity can become qualified under SECA in one of two ways:
A. As a stand-alone agency: In this scenario, the charity will go through the SECA qualification process pursuant to 5 ILCS 340 et al. This process entails obtaining 500 designations from state employees or annuitants within one year. To begin, review the Voluntary Payroll Deductions Act then contact Robert Osgood (217-558-5159), Sara Wooley (217-558-3721), or write to: State of Illinois Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza, Attn: Legal Dept., 325 West Adams Street, Springfield, IL 62704.
B. As a qualified charity under an agency: A charity may contact any CCFD agency and request an application to be accepted within that agency. Each agency has its own criteria, rules, regulations, and fees. Agency contact information is listed in the CCFD Agency listings at www.ccfd.illinois.edu/agencies.
- ▼ Can hourly employees do payroll deduction?
No, hourly employees may give a check donation or several donations during the dates of the Fund Drive on the One Time Gift Pledge Form.
- ▼ We had a fund raiser in our office for a specific charity, how are those funds counted?
As long as the charity falls under our list of designations, it will be counted as a donation under the unit. The unit leader may write a check or obtain a money order to be submitted with the One Time Gift Pledge Form. No cash pledges accepted.
- ▼ Is there a minimum amount I can pledge through payroll deduction?
Yes. If you are pledging through payroll deduction, your annual contribution must equal at least $24. ($1 per pay period for bi-weekly; $2 per pay period for monthly)