Youth taking leadership to their communities.
Saving childrens lives! Sharing Gods love by providing food shelter clean water healthcare education and vocational training to desperate abandoned women children and families.
Ipas Women are dying from unsafe abortions. Families broken sisters mothers daughters lost. Help us give these women access to safe abortion care.
Women's reproductive health and rights are under unprecedented assault. Our members provide quality, compassionate abortion care in the face of threats, violence and politically-motivated attacks.
Thousands of innocent children are tragically hurt every day by emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. Help protect and restore through prevention, rehabilitation, and God's love.
Promotes minimum impact climbing practices and conservation.
Advocate family solutions for children in foster care.
Finds adoptive families for abused, neglected, and disabled U.S. children.
Provide overseas adoption services and support.
Promotes self-reliance and social well-being.
A childs death is devastating. Parents are inconsolable. Siblings experience a rollercoaster of emotions. Devastated grandparents are in shocked disbelief. We help families to cope.
Alleviate human suffering among the poor and marginalized in East Africa. Help supply basic human/spiritual needs; build churches, schools, health clinics, and youth hostels.
Six children dying of hunger every second - over 14,000 a day! Make a difference. Your actions today can help save a child's life.
An UNForgotten Fund. Save hungry children and their mothers from eating trash and living in garbage dumps. Give them clean food and water, shelter, schooling, and a future.
Children with HIV don't have to die. Help us provide free anti-retroviral and other medication, support, and education to help victims achieve their full life potential.
Join the Force behind the Force to promote a dominate US Air Force and support Air Force families through professional development, scholarships, and other programs.
A four-year old cancer patients front yard lemonade stand evolved to a nationwide movement to find a cure for pediatric cancer. Please join us.
Works for humane control of feline overpopulation.
Stray, abandoned, and feral cats are neglected. Healthy cats in shelters are killed. Your contribution helps us end feline overpopulation and suffering.
Provides major research funding, patient educational materials and support for alopecia areata, a mystifying autoimmune disease affecting all ages causing ones hair to fall out.
Hands-on care and support services nationwide for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, and their families.
Help fight Alzheimer's disease and find a cure through research and prevention! Committed to ensuring peak mental performance and optimum brain function throughout our lives.
Providing research into Alzheimer's.
Feeding the hungry. Sheltering the homeless. Protecting the children and healing the sick. America's finest independent charities. Working with you to share - the American way.
Trains guide, service, and therapy dogs. Transforms the lives of disabled veterans and active service members at home, in V.A. and military hospitals, and while deployed.
Fighting American poverty by aiding needy Appalachian and urban Americans; providing low-income families, elderly, and veterans with basic relief, educational support and affordable housing.
The answer is research! AACR directs funding to where it is needed most - research scientists making the most important discoveries in the fight against cancer.
AAKP is dedicated to improving the lives and long-term outcome of kidney patients through education, advocacy, patient engagement, and the fostering of patient communities.
Manassas, Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg: Don't let developers pave over our nation's past. If we don't save America's battlefields now, we risk losing them forever!
Protects animals and children from cruelty.
Help us revive some of the most economically depressed communities in our nation by supporting scholarships to American Indian students at our nation's tribal colleges.
Improving Native American children's lives, self-esteem. Meeting Reservation critical needs-food, water, shelter, and emergency. Teaching cultural, healthy life skills, and respect for Mother Earth.
Replacing cancer myths with cancer facts. We're funding innovative research and education to expand understanding of nutrition and cancer. CFC contributions used for research purposes.
Help dogs live longer, healthier lives by fighting canine diseases like cancer, epilepsy, and eye and heart disease. Our work furthers human treatments and cures too.
We ensure that no needy patient is denied access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment for lack of a means of long-distance transportation.
Bringing animals from crisis to care.
Protects the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system.
Promotes the prevention, treatment, and cure.
We are the trusted source for information about bone marrow failure diseases - empowering, education, and supporting patients - funding critical research towards better treatments and cures.
Preserve and manage this amazing nature trail. Ensuring that its priceless cultural heritage can be shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for centuries to come.
Every child deserves a voice. We're improving the lives of children with apraxia by ensuring each child has their best opportunity to develop optimal communication.
ANRF provides initial research funding to brilliant investigative scientists with new ideas to cure arthritis and other automimmune diseases.
Saving Asian abandoned, orphaned, destitute, and handicapped children by providing hope and opportunity. Reaching their full potential through basic care, corrective surgery, therapy, and training.
Prevents cruelty and alleviates the suffering of animals.
We're here to provide those answers and fund studies that provide practical information on lifelong care.
Improves the lives of individuals with autism.
Fights 80 autoimmune diseases.
Our Dogs Helping Veterans program helps heal returning service members by providing loving dog helpmates at no cost to those with physical and psychological disabilities.
Help save millions of lives, billions of dollars. Celiac disease can lead to malnourishment, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other life-threatening diseases. 95% of sufferers remain undiagnosed.
Tigers confined to circus wagons. Lions bred for photos then to be shot in cages. Lynx farmed for their fur. Help us save big cats.
Wildlife education facility featuring rescued North American wildlife: wolves, bears, coyotes, cougar, and lynx. Programs stress importance of wildlife and ecological conservation and endangered species protection.
Bladder cancer is the 5th most common cancer in the US, yet no one talks about it. Help raise awareness, fund research, and provide support.
We provide direct assistance to the Vietnamese shelter-schools for blind and multi-impaired children, enabling them to become independent and self-sufficient, as American blind children do.
Upholding Theodore Roosevelt's vision, we're protecting our nation's most valuable resource - its wildlife. We've been promoting ethics in hunting, outdoor activities, and conservation since 1888.
Founded by Lady Gaga, BTWF focuses on modeling healthy conversations about mental health.
Healing combat heroes by delivering free retreats for wounded warriors, their families, caregivers, and Gold Star families with PTSD/TBI in a beautiful rural sanctuary.
Residential scholarship program helping children in-need to meet their full potential through value-centered, family-like homes, opportunities, and quality education through college.
Research and personal support to help the 5.3 million survivors of traumatic brain injury.
Funds research for treatment of brain tumors.
Strengthening African initiatives for self-sufficiency through grassroots health, clean water, education, orphanages, vocational training, agriculture, and micro-credit programs focusing on women and children.
Take action with a breast cancer organization that educates and advocates for social justice, patients before profits, and an environment with fewer toxins.
Stop the Silence, Speaking with one voice, empowering women through education and advocacy. Increasing the number of mammograms which saves lives.
Awards medical research grants and ships medical supplies and humanitarian aid to programs that treat breast cancer and other degenerative diseases. Breast Cancer support groups.
Breast cancer is a public health crisis effecting mothers, sisters, and daughters. BCF identifies and advocates for elimination of the environmental causes of the disease.
Provides research grants, medical equipment, and supplies to clinics that treat breast cancer and other chronic diseases. Provides educational materials for patients. Cancer support groups.
Medical, educational, and agricultural programs.
Cancer support groups for patients and families.
Caring for people facing the challenges of cancer. Supporting patients, loved ones, and caregivers. Social workers provide help and hope through free counseling, education, and financial assistance.
Helps prevent and treat cancer among adults and children by providing them with information to lower their risks and find the most effective treatments.
If you agree that world-class cutting-edge research is the key to more effective cancer treatments, prevention, and detection-join us-save lives.
Help us find a cure for cancer. Funding laboratory and clinical cancer research projects that provide better treatment and care.
100% of your donation funds brilliant young cancer researchers seeking new treatments for all forms of cancer.
Lifestyle empowerment programs for people and families living with MS that transform and improve their quality of life. I AM, I CAN, I WILL!
Training great dogs for special people. Invest in freedom by providing service dogs to children and adults with disabilities. Thank you!
Gives independence to people with disabilities.
Providing trained rescued dogs and donated puppies for assistance at home and in school.
We equip K-9 police dogs with bullet-proof, knife-proof, and blast-resistant protective vests to help keep them safe in the line of duty.
Prevents and resolves conflicts, enhances freedom and democracy, and improves world health.
CLINIC and its 270+ affiliates assist low-income immigrants, reunite families, promote citizenship, help victims of domestic violence, advocate, build capacity, and train legal immigration providers.
Rushes food, clothing, shelter, water, and comfort to God's most vulnerable children effectively and efficiently in times of disaster and provides the means to self-sufficiency.
Helps us help the destitute, homeless, elderly, children, and those in need with the most basic necessities of food, shelter, outreach, after school programs, and budget counseling etc.
We rescue cats facing imminent execution if they do not get interim financial sponsors or foster parents or receive medical treatment required to become adoptable.
Help find treatments for diabetes and other immune system disorders. Make the necessary scientific breakthroughs a reality by supporting our cutting-edge research.
Promote and defend women's reproductive freedom. Safeguard women's health. We use the law in the U.S. and globally to ensure women's dignity, equality, and self-determination.
HFAC improves farm animals' lives by providing stringent, certifiable standards for humane food production, and by assuring consumers that certified products meet our humane standards.
CHADD provides assistance to individuals and families with ADHD who are in need of support through monthly information & chapter support meetings.
America's waters and marine life face toxic pollution, overfishing, and urban sprawl. Help realize our vision: safe drinking water, pristine waterways, and thriving ecosystems locally and nationwide.
Empower and educate low-income and uninsured women by helping CWHC provide gynecology, counseling and women's health education.
Child kidnapping ,prevention, and recovery specialists.
An international nonprofit organization that helps children in need, who have been identified as high achievers, remain in school.
Working to meet the physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of abused and neglected children. We focus our efforts on advocacy, prevention, treatment, and community outreach.
Shaving the way to conquer kids cancer! Our volunteers shave their heads in solidarity, raising funds for awareness and lifesaving research to cure children's cancer.
Provides childhood cancer research grants. Ships medical supplies to hospitals and clinics worldwide. Provides summer camp sponsorships and support groups. "Together we are their hope!"
Benefits the Children's Hospital Medical Center.
Millions of innocent children needlessly die before age five! Help us provide millions of meals, healthcare, clean water, housing, education, God's love, and stop starvation.
Dying children exist in a world of doctors, hospitals, and despair. Your donation gives hope and joy by fulfilling a favorite wish.
College scholarships to children of U.S. service members killed in combat or training, making the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. We care for those left behind.
Rescues American children from street prostitution.
Alleviating hunger and suffering in children's lives by providing direct food, clothing, and medicine to impoverished areas in developing countries and across the United States.
Provides surgical teams, medicine, food, and clothing.
COTA gives hope and makes miracles for children and young adults needing life-saving transplants. All funds raised for these children go toward transplant expenses.
Relief to institutionalized handicapped children.
Devoted to the rescue of trafficked and exploited child laborers from carpet looms in Asia, and offering them rehabilitation, counseling, education, and a home.
Caring for persecuted Christians in war-zones, or who are being repressed. Delivering emergency medicine, food, education, tools, and Bibles; and reporting globally the atrocities occurring world-wide.
Many cannot afford the most basic needs... food, water, medicine, and housing. We're providing a hand-up rather than hand-out to those who need it most worldwide.
Services for families of officers killed while on duty.
70% of corals are threatened or gone. The Coral Reef Alliance partners with local communities to save coral reefs and sustain efforts so corals flourish.
Children/families are provided personal support.
Nonprofit charity for correctional officers and their families, by providing line-of-duty death benefits, and catastrophic assistance in cases of accident or illness.
Serves homeless and at-risk youth in 21 cities. No child turned away. Free food, shelter, clothing, and medical services.
We are the only group with a clear plan to cure this disease. Funding breakthrough, aggressive research to end this disease as quickly as possible.
Starvation, parasite-infestation, and deformed-hoofs. We care for abused and neglected horses. Dedicated to fostering, compassion, and responsibility for horses through intervention, education, and outreach.
Most deaf children are behind in English language and literacy. Reading opens the door to their future. Give them the power of English to succeed.
Promotes research which identifies solutions to issues affecting African-American women and their communities through funding and support of charitable programs of Delta Sigma Theta.
We fund research for treatment, prevention, and cure.
Strengthens local health programs and facilities around the world in areas of high need and responds to disasters with medical material resources.
Provides food/clothing/shelter to homeless veterans.
Assisting poor, disabled children worldwide with free distribution of specialty wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, rehabilitation equipment, and therapy. Also providing food and clothing to these children.
We train, equip, and deploy the highest quality, certified K-9/Handler urban Search and Rescue teams at no cost to those in need.
Chained by the neck, penned without food or water, receiving abuse, and forced to fight for their lives. Help rescue and rehabilitate these innocent dogs.
Dogs rescued from shelters are professionally trained to assist people with deafness, hearing loss, and other challenges. Dogs provide safety, companionship, self-confidence, and independence.
Help us fight animal cruelty.
We rescue dogs facing imminent execution if they do not get interim financial sponsors or foster parents or receive medical treatment required to become adoptable.
Advancing research for more effective treatments and ultimately a cure for dystonia, and promoting awareness and education for the well being of affected individuals and families.
We educate students to explore how food choices impact our health, the environment, and animals.
Supporting EOD Warriors and families who are injured or died while serving our country conducting their duties to disarm deadly explosive ordinance and terrorist devices.
Every hour, 250 acres of rural land is developed. Loss of land is a critical and defining issue for all horse people and conservationists.
After-school academic and nutrition services to children living in severe poverty in many communities in Nicaragua.
Promotes humane treatment of farm animals.
Sanctuary and advocacy for farm animals. Last four years, 16,000 animal lives saved and adopted at our 3 facilities. Mission: Compassion for all life.
Please help farmers and hunters give nutritious meat free of charge to their hungry neighbors.
Help us protect farm animals from cruelty and abuse, inspire change in the way society views and treats farm animals, and promote compassionate vegan living.
Stop illegal immigration. Fight "amnesty" for illegal aliens. Improve border security. Join the FAIR Fight for immigration policies that make sense for America.
We build and donate Fisher Houses at military/VA medical centers, support existing houses, help military families in need, and award scholarships for Military Children.
Collecting daily necessities and food to redistribute to non-profits nationwide/internationally to fight poverty, hunger, and disease. Help us meet needs and save lives.
Provides college scholarships to children of fallen military heroes and support activities for wounded and deployed troops and their families.
To pioneer new strategies to end violence against women and children at home and abroad.
Build Smart Homes for severely wounded veterans, lift the military community's spirits with Lt. Dan Band concerts, support first responders and families of the fallen.
The gift of adoption gives children a future. Saving children in dire situations and supporting the loving, giving, permanent families who want to adopt them!
Eating gluten causes long-term, life-threatening health hazards. Monitoring food supply is critical. Help us educate and audit food companies. Consumers can then live gluten-free safely.
Our programs make a groundbreaking difference to the lung cancer community.
Takes action, peacefully and creatively, to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions essential to a green and peaceful future.
Using innovative training methods, trains guide and service dogs to restore independence and mobility, empowering people with disabilities to live a life without boundaries.
Providing safety, independence and companionship to the blind and love, responsibility and purpose to dogs.
Free guide dogs and training to blind individuals.
We assist military families before, during, and after deployment in the communities where they live with material, financial, and emotional support through specially trained caregivers.
Help achieve our vision: a world where everyone has a decent place to live. God's love in action: bringing people together, building homes, communities, and hope.
Hearing Health Foundation's mission is to prevent and cure hearing loss and tinnitus through groundbreaking research and to promote hearing health.
Provides research grants medical and humanitarian supplies to hospitals. Provides heart disease educational material to patients and families. Curing begins with a caring heart!
No-kill shelter and sanctuary taking in the creatures who are lost, afraid, and hungry. Giving them comfort, medical care, food, love, and good homes.
Scholarships for Hispanic-American students.
International adoption and child caring.
We build specially adapted handicap-accessible homes for severely injured veterans across the country. The homes are provided at no cost to the veteran.
Restore self, family, and hope. Our programs support employment and education, clinical, health and wellness, sports and recreation build community and military relations and more.
Medical services, health education, and disaster relief.
Your contributions enable us to provide the medical, social, and spiritual support necessary for a quality end-of-life experience for individuals and their families.
Supports organizations assisting the terminally ill.
Provides job training, education, healthcare, emergency assistance, housing and advocacy services and opportunities for farm workers and low income rural families to achieve economic self-sufficiency.
Fights to end animal cruelty, exploitation, and abuse.
Sexual assault, domestic violence, child and elder abuse, trauma, "and related" problems affect all of us.
The International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) is dedicated to improving the quality of life of multiple myeloma patients through support, education, advocacy, and collaborative research.
Critical issues face Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and their families, including mental health injuries, tragic suicide rates, and staggering unemployment. Help IAVA help America's heroes.
Faithful assistance guide dogs are raised and trained to provide blind Israelis with independence, safe mobility, and self-confidence. Clients receive the dogs for free.
Rescue dogs trained as service dogs for veterans/active duty military suffering from PTSD, TBI, or MST. New leash on life for military heroes.
Improves care/survival of kidney cancer patients.
Works to improve children's product safety.
Telling the story of Abraham Lincoln -- his life and times is our mission. Your support helps keep his story alive, join us today.
Affirming God's love for all people, we work with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, injustice, and human suffering.
Research to cure Non-Hodgkin, and Hodgkin lymphoma. Compassionate patient/family support services. Referrals to specialists. Nurse-counseling. Grants to develop new treatments. Patient financial help.
For Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Rape, abduction, death threats, and 'honor killings' of women. Gender- based violence is rising internationally. Women and their children need protection and justice. Please help.
Scholarships awarded to children of active duty Marines and Federal Law Enforcement. Possible assistance for children of Marines for medical expenses not covered by insurance.
We provide scholarships, youth programs, disaster relief, and humanitarian aid to Marine Corps families in need. We also provide Veterans facilities assistance.
Provides scholarships to children of Marines.
Rescue, treat, and release injured and endangered marine mammals.
Helping the poorest of the poor. By rescuing and reusing products from major corporations, we can effectively provide basic necessities, nutritional opportunities and disaster relief.
Give primary health care, nutrition, and safe water to women and children; fight infectious diseases rescue orphans and other vulnerable youth through vocational training.
Provides youth with chance to develop music talents.
MALDEF promotes and protects the civil rights of Latinos in the areas of education, employment, immigrant rights, political access and administers scholarships for law students.
Give an Hour's network of nearly 7,000 licensed mental health professionals provides free mental health services to the military community, veterans and their families.
Loans and grants to children of enlisted and officers for college education.
Keep music alive for thousands of students! We donate musical instruments to underserved schools and kids, to inspire creativity, expression and joy through music.
Forty years of progress for women. A vision of equality. We build women's collective power across race/class to ignite change and justice for all.
Be an advocate for animals - and humane science! Help end needless suffering of animals, waste, and secrecy of archaic animal experimentation.
Provides support for new parents, advocacy and referral for school-age children, and innovative services for teens and adults with Down Syndrome.
Trains advocates for abused and neglected children.
Spearheads national and international efforts to protect children from sexual exploitation and abduction, and to locate and recover missing children.
Invest in America's National Parks.
Purchases private properties/donates for parklands.
Providing free legal services to help veterans and their families secure disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs and the United States Armed Forces.
Trains rescued dogs and donated puppies.
Our mission is to accelerate research for treatments for Nephrotic Syndrome, and provide support that will improve the lives of those affected by these diseases.
Distributes food to agencies serving those in need.
OneSky provides infant nurture, innovative preschools, personalized learning opportunities, and loving family care, medical care and guidance for orphaned children in China.
Serves wounded warriors/veterans and their families with financial needs. Assistance varies based on individual needs ranging from rent, utilities, vehicle payments, groceries, and travel.
Volunteers meeting desperate food needs of hungry and hurting children, unemployed, senior citizens, and homeless in Missouri and Illinois. Fighting hunger and saving children's lives!
Operation Homefront relies on caring patriots to support its mission of providing emergency aid and morale programs for military families and woulded warriors.
Invest in long-term solutions. Help the poorest of the poor. Bring about sustainable good: thriving children, empowered families, strong communities, renewed environment.
Services for veterans with spinal cord injuries.
Funds research for improved care and eventual cure.
Dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease through an aggressively funded research agenda.
Placing customized service dogs with veterans with PTSD, TBI, MST & Moral Injury. Training clients to control, regulate, and mitigate symptoms and reintegrate into society.
Teaching veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and/or traumatic brain injury to train service dogs for fellow veterans with physical disabilities and combat injuries.
Help us, help them, help themselves.
Abandoned, orphaned and disadvantaged children's services worldwide - Pearl S. Buck
Committed to eradicating pediatric AIDS, preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV, and ensuring better medical treatments for children.
Funds medical research for childhood brain tumors. Offers free patient family support services, funds scholarships for survivors, and provides advocacy for cause.
Someday is today - we fund pioneering research that improves treatment, increases survival rates, and reaches for a cure. Help bring hope to children battling cancer.
Fights cruelty through education.
Provide recovery and transform the lives of veterans, wounded warriors, and active duty military through the adoption and care of at-risk shelter dogs and cats.
Orphaned children in the Philippines need more than just shelter...we provide food, medicine, education, and a loving home through three residences and a school.
Serving poor children and those left behind by the U.S. base closure. Also daycare in the U.S.
Help stop gruesome animal experiments and focus on preventive health care by leading the effort to modernize medicine to be responsible, compassionate, and human-relevant.
Only organization worldwide solely devoted to programs of patient education, public awareness, advocacy, and research toward a treatment and cure for polycystic kidney disease patients.
Ensure access to affordable reproductive health care, protect reproductive rights, and promote access to comprehensive medically accurate sexuality education, domestically and internationally.
Helps individuals make reproductive choices.
Helps individuals make reproductive choices.
Protecting our most precious resource, our children.
Project H.O.O.D.'s programming equips youth, adults, and families with the resources, skills, tools, and experiences that are needed to be successful healthy, and upwardly mobile members of society.
Protect whistleblowers and wildlife from government mistreatment. Mistakes don't get corrected when they go undetected. PEER ensures that your voice is heard.
Train and donate service dogs to severely wounded veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan through' DOG TAGS' program, providing disabled heroes with critical assistance and companionship.
Save rainforests for endangered wildlife! We've protected 11.5 million acres from deforestation since 1988. You can save an acre for as little as $1.00!
Operates National Sexual Assault Hotline.
For too long rape and sexual abuse survivors were shamed into silence. We're empowering sexual assault survivors to speak out and share their stories publicly.
Promotes awareness and funds research.
Dedicated to the healing of sexual assault survivors through crisis intervention, counseling, medical and legal advocacy, and prevention of violence through education.
RESOLVE addresses the issue of infertility by providing education, support, connections to resources, and advocacy for access to all family building options.
Provides information and funds research to find a cure.
Protects wildlife, its habitat, and public recreation.
Helps provide a safe haven for homeless women.
End sarcoma. This rare insidious cancer of connective tissues is prevalent in children and receives little government funding - impacts 50,000 kids and adults daily.
Rescuing chimpanzees from research, entertainment and the pet trade, we provide them the space needed to heal and enjoy a happy and healthy life!
Leave a lasting legacy! Help us advocate for manatee and habitat protection promote public awareness, sponsor research, rescue, rehabilitation, and release efforts.
Community-based scholarship foundations.
Encourages all students to participate in academic events at tournaments designed to promote career interest in science, mathematics, and technology.
If you love dogs and respect firefighters, support our canine/firefighter teams, searching for people buried alive during disasters.
Conflict is inevitable, violent conflict is not. Together, we can create lasting peace and end the use of violence as a form of conflict resolution.
Enhancing lives by bringing independence, dignity and self-confidence to blind people through our Seeing Eye dogs.
IMSFF provides grants to injured and critically ill Marines Sailors and their families to help with the costs associated with hospitalization, recovery and transition.
Imagine being blind one day and seeing the next. Sustainable programs prevent blindness/restore sight in underserved and impoverished populations, helping 4 million people see.
Children suffering from burns, spinal cord injuries, and orthopedic problems receive world-class medical care in a family-centered environment regardless of ability to pay.
It's skin cancer. Millions hear these terrible words every year. We're dedicated to eradicating skin cancer through prevention, early detection, effective treatment, education, and research.
Promote the understanding and appreciation of science and the vital role it plays in human advancement. Inspiring scientific thought through world-class education competitions and publications.
Adaptive laptops for wounded warriors VA assistance for veterans baby showers for wives of deployed troops. We provide comfort to Americas military and their families.
Paws for Independence and Paws for Patriots programs provide guide dogs for visually impaired individuals and veterans, and service dogs for veterans with PTSD.
We provide meaningful financial support and services to the entire Special Forces Community and their families that sustain active-duty National Guard and veteran soldier.
Provide scholarship grants and counseling to children of special operations people who die in combat or training. Provide financial assistance to wounded special operations people.
Pain, paralysis, spinal cord injuries, accessibility, home modifications, and wheelchairs. Lifetime challenges. Help us link people with spinal cord injuries to the best treatment and care.
Raises funds for innovative, translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives. Facilitates collaborations among renowned investigators across multiple disciplines.
To prevent suicide through public awareness and education, reduce stigma, and serve as a resource to those touched by suicide.
Don't abandon America's troops! They Support Us, Let's Support Them! Help Support Our Troops® provides tons of morale and well-being to troops and families worldwide!
Don't let the troops feel abandoned! They Support Us, Let's Support Them! Help Support our Troops ship tons of morale and well-being to troops worldwide.
The Dream Factory, Inc. grants the dreams of critically and chronically ill children ages three through eighteen who reside within the communities where our all-volunteer chapters are located.
Support patient education and thyroid research discovering causes, treatments, and prevention. Help with your contributions.
Brings Christmas joy to needy children nationwide.
Support the sport of swimming from grassroots to gold medals! Drowning prevention, learn-to-swim programs, and national swimming events lead to international competitive excellence.
Protects sportsmen's opportunities to hunt, fish, and trap.
Humanitarian aid to Ukrainians throughout the world.
PTSD, foreclosure, utility shut off - USA Cares responds to these real military family problems each week with thousands in support. Help us help them.
Support projects that improve life for veterans and military service personnel.
Supporting our military, veterans, and their families with entertainment, lasting memories, and reintegration opportunities by providing tickets to sporting events, concerts, and family activities.
WaterPartners is transforming the lives of people in developing countries through access to safe water.
Honor our Wounded Warriors! We provide rehab services at three Military Medical Centers, and starter IRS 529 College Savings Plans for dependents of aircrews KIA.
Serves our nation's combat wounded Purple Heart recipients by providing world-class outdoor sporting activities to recognize their sacrifice, encourage their independence, and promote their healing.
Placing wreaths on veteran gravestones in all 50 states and beyond.
Establishing life-changing connections with youth in schools, institutions, communities, and military bases.